Overt & Covert Treasures:Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History好康每日
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Overt & Covert Treasures:Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History好康每日曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
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專業教科書Overt & Covert Treasures:Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History好康每日全書的內容大意
內容簡介: This is the first published volume on a variety of sources for Chinese women's history. It is an attempt to explore overt and covert information on Chinese women in a vast quantity of textual and non-textual, conventional and unconventional, source materials. Some chapters re-read well-known texts or previously marginalized texts, and brainstorm new ways to use and interpret these sources; others explore new sources or previously overlooked or under-used materials. This book is a valuable product witnessing the concerted effort of twenty some scholars located in different parts of the world.博客來書店
作者簡介博客來網路書店博客來Clara Wing-chung HoClara Wing-chung Ho is Professor of History at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She is the editor of several volumes including Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911 (1998), and Windows on the Chinese World: Reflections by Five Historians (2009).
傳承與拓新:唐代遊藝賦書寫 | 簡約書寫與空白美學(修訂版) | 現代文學百年回望 | 佛洛伊德讀張愛玲 | ||||
狂歡之聲與冷酷之眼:文革小說中的身體書寫 | 中心到邊陲的重軌與分軌:日本帝國與臺灣文學.文化研究(上) | 中國文學理論與實踐 | 從「話語」視角論中國文學 | ||||
經典躺著讀:從詩經到圍城 | 蘇雪林研究論集 | 迴向自然的詩學 | 滄海遺音:民國時期清遺民詞研究 | ||||
A Garden of One’s Own:A Collection of Modern Chinese Essays, 1919-1949 | 梅遜談文學 | 不向文壇交白卷:《金門文藝》的前世今生及其他(POD) | 異地繁花:海外臺灣文論選譯(上) |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Clara Wing-chung Ho
- 出版社:香港中文大學 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2012/07/01
- 語言:英文
Overt & Covert Treasures:Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History好康每日
刀劍蒼穹 07 | 唯我獨尊 2 | 刀劍蒼穹10 | 血劍-倪淑英 | ||||
奇兵七種 (卷14) 天道【32K】(完結篇) | 奇兵七種 (卷5) 唐門【32K】 | 奇兵七種 (卷6) 幻月【32K】 | 靈威殺律 01 | ||||
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奇兵七種 卷1 殺神(32K) | 靈威殺律04 | 黃巾力士 22(完) | 會員登入 |
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