Chinese Historical Thinking:An Intercultural Discussion特賣會
Chinese Historical Thinking:An Intercultural Discussion特賣會是一本符合教學所需的教科書
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內容簡介: The book presents Chinese historical thinking by four articles. It is covered the ancient origin and the development to modernity and is commented by seven international experts. Presentation and comments find “second thought” by three other international scholars, and at the end the whole discussion find an answer by the authors of the first presentations. The complex structure of argumentation documents not only various ideas and interpretations of Chinese historical thinking, but represent the possibilities and problems of intercultural comparison at the same time.
厚著臉皮,硬著頭皮 | 活學活用厚黑心法:避免遭人算計的反卑鄙交詐守則 | 嫉妒心理學 | 八面玲瓏三十六計 | ||||
一生受用的財富 | 60秒打通人際關係 | 厚臉皮,好運氣 | 交往心理與交往技巧 | ||||
活學活用厚黑學 | 做人,呆一點也好 | 精妙交際技巧 | 親密關係 | ||||
新厚黑學的談判技巧 | 防人經 | 輕鬆贏得好人緣 | 人人都能成為交際高手 |
- 編者:Chun-chieh Huang,Jörn Rüsen
- 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/11/27
- 語言:繁體中文
Chinese Historical Thinking:An Intercultural Discussion特賣會
命好,不如觀念好 | 別讓每陣風吹者走 | 人生的每日忠告 | 誰也不能否定你 | ||||
學校學不到的50件事 | 60秒激勵自己 | 福田心耕 | 快樂不怕命來磨 | ||||
男性氣概的當代觀點 | 心態 | 走出黑暗心靈:自信是避免心靈負債的「心靈貨幣」Sitting Out In The Bright Sunshine | 活出人生的價值 | ||||
糊塗,不會幸福:所有的不幸,總是發生在糊塗之後 | 做不成船長,就做海員:快樂做自己其實很簡單 | 思考創造奇蹟 | 心美看什麼都順眼 |
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